Now Viewing: cyborgTag type: General サイボーグ An organism that is made up of both cybernetic and organic components. In anime, this generally refers to humans that have been altered to be partially robotic. A popular anime cyborg is Kusanagi_Motoko from Ghost_In_The_Shell. It can be difficult to tell a cyborg apart from an android, especially when dealing with original characters and those whose origins are unknown. In cases like these, one should examine any visible robotic components. If they appear to be added-on or function as prosthetic_limbs, that character is likely a cyborg. If you are unable to determine whether the character is a cyborg or purely robotic, it's best to tag them as android until more information can be found. See also: android robot mecha References: Wikipedia article: Other Wiki Information Last updated: 11/25/17 4:06 AM by AngryZapdos This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit. |