Now Viewing: sickleTag type: General "A sickle is a hand-held agricultural tool with a variously curved blade typically used for harvesting grain crops or cutting succulent forage chiefly for feeding livestock (either freshly cut or dried as hay). A great diversity of types is used across many cultures. Between the dawn of the Iron Age and present, hundreds of region-specific variants of this basic forage-cutting tool were forged of iron, later steel." [...] " As a weaponIn Indonesia, the Sickle is native and a traditional weapon of the Madurese people called "Chlurit" or "Clurit" which is used both in fighting and cooking. Like other farming tools, sickles lend themselves naturally as improvised bladed weapons. Examples include the Japanese kusarigama, the Japanese and Filipino kama_(weapon), the Chinese chicken sickles, and the makraka of the Zande people of north central Africa. Paulus Hector Mair, the author of a German Renaissance combat manual also has a chapter about fighting with sickles. Other usesThe sickle is used as part of the well known symbol of the hammer_and_sickle, which was the symbol of the former Soviet_Union. It is the symbol of Communism or Revolutionary Socialism. The sickle represents the agricultural working class or peasantry in this symbol." From < > See also: scythe kusarigama kama_(weapon) hammer_and_sickle Other Wiki Information Last updated: 08/29/15 8:21 PM by surveyork This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit. |