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Now Viewing: japanese_text

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Posts that contain text written in Japanese.

For real photos/videos of Japanese people, see japanese_(nationality).

For traditional Japanese clothing, see japanese_clothes.

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Last updated: 04/29/18 7:11 AM by AngryZapdos
This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit.

2boys aki_naja blush genshin_impact greyscale implied_masturbation japanese_text looking_at_viewer male_masturbation masturbation monochrome multiple_boys on_bed sex sex_toy speech_bubble tartaglia_(genshin_impact) tears zhongli_(genshin_impact)
 1girl blue_hair bow brown_eyes crossover feet fingerless_gloves gloves hair_ribbon highres japanese_clothes japanese_text legs long_skirt looking_at_viewer official_art open_mouth outstretched_arm ponytail red_bow ribbon sakura_taisen sega shinguuji_sakura skirt smile starhorse_pocket sword teeth thighs tongue tony_taka translation_request weapon
 3girls ahoge antenna_hair belt black_eyes black_hair blonde_hair breasts brown_hair cleavage earphones english_text green_eyes hat hood hoodie hoshii_miki idolmaster idolmaster_million_live! idolmaster_million_live!_theater_days japanese_text kikuchi_makoto minase_iori multiple_girls navel off_shoulder official_art one_eye_closed promotional_art red_eyes smile sports_bra
6+boys 6+girls age_progression alien animated antlers armor armor_mothra atmospheric_entry audible_music audible_speech belvera biting blue_eyes brachiosaurus breath_weapon breathing_lightning brother_and_sister bug butterfly caterpillar chest_beam city cocoon colored_sclera compound_eyes cretaceous_king_ghidorah crowd crown cyborg day destruction dinosaur dragon dust earrings earth_(planet) electricity electricity_elemental elemental_(creature) elias_(rebirth_of_mothra) energy energy_ball energy_barrier energy_beam energy_being english_text explosion extra_tails fairy_mothra father_and_daughter father_and_son fire fire_elemental fireball flying forest garu-garu garu-garu_iii giant giant_monster gloves glowing glowing_body glowing_eyes grand_king_ghidorah gravity_beam green_eyes hatching horns husband_and_wife hydra insect japanese_audio japanese_text jewelry jungle kaiju kidnapped kidnapping king_ghidorah lara_(rebirth_of_mothra) mandibles meteor moll_(rebirth_of_mothra) monster moth mother_and_daughter mother_and_son mothra mothra_(series) mothra_leo mouth_beam movie_trailer multiple_boys multiple_girls multiple_heads nature necklace night no_pupils open_mouth orange_eyes orange_sclera panic particles planet plasma plasma_fireball primitive_mothra pteranodon pterosaur rainbow_mothra rainforest rebirth rebirth_of_mothra_iii river roaring sharp_teeth shockwave siblings sisters slit_pupils smoke sonoda_shohei sonoda_tamako sonoda_yukie sonoda_yusuke sound space space_monster spirit stinger subtitled sunset sword tail teeth teleport time_travel toho tongue trailer_(media) transformation triceratops tyrannosaurus_rex video volcano weapon wind wings yellow_electricity yellow_eyes
animated antennae aqua_mothra armor audible_music audible_speech barem belvera blue_eyes boat breath_weapon bug butterfly cannon compound_eyes crown dagahra destruction directed-energy_weapon dragon earrings earth_(planet) electricity elias_(rebirth_of_mothra) energy energy_barrier energy_beam energy_bolt energy_cannon energy_weapon english_text explosion fairy_mothra fins flying forest garu-garu garu-garu_ii gem_on_head ghogo giant giant_monster gloves green_eyes harushio-class_submarine head_beam hologram horns insect japan_self-defense_force japanese_audio japanese_text jewelry kaiju lara_(rebirth_of_mothra) lightning mandibles military miyagi_yoji moll_(rebirth_of_mothra) monster moth mothra mothra_(series) mothra_leo mouth_beam movie_trailer nagase_junichi nature necklace nilai-kanai nilai-kanai_guardian_tower nilai-kanai_temple no_pupils ocean otani_mikio planet princess_yuna pyramid_(structure) rainbow_mothra rebirth_of_mothra_ii roaring sea_monster sharp_teeth shockwave shoulder_beam shoulder_cannon sound space sparks spirit stinger submarine submerged subtitled supercavitation swimming tail teeth temple toguchi_kohei toho trailer_(media) transformation underwater uranai_shiori video water watercraft weapon wings yellow_eyes
2boys aki_naja alternate_costume blush genshin_impact greyscale japanese_text monochrome multiple_boys nipple_stimulation nipple_tweak nipples open_clothes open_robe robe sex sitting sitting_sex speech_bubble tartaglia_(genshin_impact) yaoi zhongli_(genshin_impact)

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