Now Viewing: lily_(flower)Tag type: General True lilies are flowering plants of the genus Lilium. The name lily has been applied to numerous plants outside the genus including the poisonous Lily_of_the_Valley (Convallaria majalis) and several genera of Amaryllidaceae called spider_lily. Some true lilies are the white trumpet shaped "Easter_Lily" (Lilium Longiflorum) native to Japan where it is called Teppōyuri (テッポウユリ), the Golden Rayed Lily of Japan (Lilium Auratum) also called Yamayuri (山百合), and the common name Tiger_Lily refers to multiple orange lilies especially Lilium Lancifolium called Oniyuri (オニユリ) in Japan. Lilies have long been associated with romance between women in Japan, thus lending their name to yuri. Other Wiki Information Last updated: 08/10/23 9:21 PM by ajp12 This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit. |