Now Viewing: five_size_ladderTag type: None To reduce confusion and possible redundancy, gelbooru only uses five sizes, which are, in order from smallest to largest: small, medium, large, huge, gigantic. As seen with breasts: small_breasts, medium_breasts, large_breasts, huge_breasts, gigantic_breasts. (There is also the null case, flat_chest. This is unusual in several ways, not only because it's a size tag for something that is absent, but flat_chest cannot be dual-tagged with breasts (as the other breast size tags must be) because there are, in fact, no breasts there.) As seen with penises: small_penis, medium_penis, large_penis, huge_penis, gigantic_penis. Null case: no_penis. Other Wiki Information Last updated: 05/28/21 9:32 AM by zoord This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit. |
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