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Now Viewing: nanase_(street_fighter)

Tag type: Character

Nanase (七瀬), who first appears as a hidden character in the original Street Fighter EX2 and becomes a regular character in Street Fighter EX2 Plus and Street Fighter EX3, is the younger sister of Hokuto, who was raised to be a successor to the Mizugami clan. Although her mood is different from her older sister, she is very close to Hokuto, who is the only person she confides in. Nanase becomes worried about Hokuto after she leaves the shrine where they live and does not return. She then learns from her grandfather she has a brother named Kairi, of whom Hokuto was sent to find. She goes on a journey to find her sister and a brother she never knew existed, unaware that her journey is also test to determine whether she's fit to inherit the Mizugami's teachings.

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Last updated: 10/19/10 4:10 PM by jedi1357
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