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Now Viewing: garuda_(street_fighter)

Tag type: Character

Garuda (ガルダ), first appears as a non-playable boss character in the original Street Fighter EX, but becomes a playable character in subsequent installments. He is a demon dressed in samurai-like armor who wields a sword hidden within his own body. According to his back-story in the original Street Fighter EX, he was created by the souls of dead men who were consumed by the Satsui no Hadō, although his revised back-story in Street Fighter EX2 suggest that he is an accumulation of negative feelings such as anger, hatred, envy, treachery, and despair. Garuda's form is said to change depending on his opponent: he takes a strong form against warriors seeking strength and feeds on the hatred of warriors who are seeking vengeance.

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Last updated: 10/19/10 3:42 PM by jedi1357
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