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Anonymous commented at 2010-11-09 23:01:52 » #501191

ore wa... ore wa... ittai nanno tameni... tatakau teiru da!!!!

*hopes it isn't spelled wrong*

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-10 16:00:27 » #501851


Lucas Gilbertson does it so much better.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-13 01:50:58 » #504611

A world where only Reploids exist? SOUNDS LIKE MAVERICK TALK TO ME!

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-14 02:27:40 » #619415

Fucking American english version.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-03 09:08:25 » #758574

"I should've been the one to fill your dark soul with LIIII...wait wrong game..."

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-04-04 13:08:32 » #1040734

Personally, I always felt like the Repliforce were the good guys in this game, and that X and Zero were pretty much murdering people who just wanted freedom and peace (they specifically said they did not want to harm humans, and wanted to go off and form their own society- presumably one with better rights, where they were treated like people instead of fighting machines).

The maverick hunters put them in a desperate enough situation that working with Sigma seemed like an idea worth *considering*, but even then the cut scenes show us they were hesitant about it and unwilling to completely follow his orders.

You could argue that they 'attack' X and Zero, but that's after they break into their bases with hostile intent. You could argue that they had a double agent scoping out the Maverick hunters, but he didn't exactly strike until X had slaughtered several of his comrades.

And then THIS. Yeah, some 'hero'.

*rant rant*

0 Points Flag
Lu_Aza commented at 2012-04-04 18:19:12 » #1040943

X and Zero never WANTED to fight them; X all but flat out told the Colonel that he wanted a peaceful solution (which the Colonel rejected because of his pride) while Zero was torn between duty and his own feelings regarding the whole matter. The thing is, X and Zero didn't have a say; they were ORDERED to do so, and no matter how peaceful the Colonel, General and their loyal soldiers may have been, or how their vision was laid out, Sigma was MANIPULATING the entire thing by having turned high ranking members of the Repliforce into viral Mavericks to goad the Hunters and to undermine any peaceful front the legitimate soldiers put up.

And honestly, even the truly loyal to Repliforce members you do fight are suspect; Storm Owl, for example, launched what seemed to be the ENTIRE air force of their military as a decoy against the Hunters. Frost Walrus used the whole thing as an excuse to cause mayhem and destruction (and he WASN'T a Maverick) while Jet Stingray is infamous for having destroyed a city (and he also isn't a Maverick).

So ultimately, while the General, Colonel, Iris (not too sure about her, what with her desire for a world where only Reploids exist...) and many others may have truly wanted peace, the manipulations of Sigma and the actions of several members basically destroyed any credibility they may have had.

X4 is, in the end, a story where neither side is truly just and right. The Repliforce, even despite Sigma's manipulation, did things that betrayed their televised declaration of wanting peace, and the Hunters went about indiscriminately killing any member of Repliforce they came across without thinking for a moment that perhaps an all too familiar hand may have been guiding atleast some of this madness, even though, surely, more than just X and Zero felt bitter and torn about the whole mess.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-04-04 22:40:36 » #1041108

Fair enough, and you make a good point (and less ranty than me). But as the player having to take a side- the one I identified with less, in the end- it just sat very poorly with me.

I guess I kind of like having it be something of an ethical quandry where neither side is right, and I'm okay with it being a tragedy, but what the maverick hunters were doing was not terribly 'good,' so taking their side as the player was... awkward.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-08-16 21:02:53 » #1140618

>> #1040943
Great story telling Lu. You hit the nail on the head. The story behind Repliforce is one born of fear of the Sigma Virus from MMX3. The leaders of the world were concerned that if a massive outbreak happened in a major city or cities that the Maverick hunters wouldn't be able to handle it. So Repliforce was created to handle such a scenario.

The problems that quickly arose were already foreseen by some who objected to Repliforce's creation. Repliforce quickly became a hegemony, who developed a almost nationalist sense of pride. They also began stepping on the toes of the Maverick Hunters, and the Supreme Commander of the Maverick Hunters (Signas' predecessor) became worried that the MH would be replaced by Repliforce or completely absorbed by it. The last worry was that if the leadership of Repliforce became infected or decided to rebel that the rest of the army would follow without question.

Sigma used these factors to instigate a battle between Repliforce and the MH. Since he knew that the pride of the Colonel and the General would lead them to rebel if they were accused of being Mavericks without true justification. To top it off the SC of the MH jumped the gun after the Colonel refused to surrender and declared all of Repliforce as Mavericks.

Sigma set up the explosives and simply lit a spark near a short fuse.

1 Points Flag