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maniacal_tentacle_monster commented at 2010-06-18 19:20:15 » #337395

welcome to the club, Windows 7. sexy, but not as sexy as XP =)

5 Points Flag
Kuroi_Kage commented at 2010-09-28 01:01:30 » #452658

This is a Nanami-tan that has been fully updated, system file checked, virus scanned, disk cleaned, defragged, dusted out, and run a "chkdsk /r" on. Her pagefile is also on a separate hard drive than where she resides.

Things like those are affection and love to a Windows-tan. They don't do well without it.

That is why this is my Nanami-tan. She is happy...

Many PC owners wonder why their Windows-tan won't put out when it comes time to play games they should be able to within hardware limitations...

No love.

Whether a passionate 5-hour session of Crysis at maximum settings in 1080p, or just faithfully holding two pages of the report you forgot to save when your friends dragged you out for the weekend...

There must be love.

Programs I recommend:

Auslogics Disk Defrag
CCleaner-- way better than normal Disk Cleanup
Microsoft Security Essentials-- this was rated 8/10 by Maximum PC for virus protection, and it's FREE.
Dusting should be performed with a can of compressed air, found at Costco or PC shops. USING A VACUUM CLEANER WILL KILL YOUR COMPUTER DUE TO STATIC ELECTRICITY.

Those are the most important, the rest below are extra.

"chkdsk /r" is to be run from the DOS command prompt (black box) It will verify all data on a hard drive and require a restart and may take a few hours to complete, depending on hard drive size. Your computer will be unusable during that time. Google it for more info.

Also search Google for instructions and tips to move your pagefile to another INTERNAL hard drive, if you have more than one in there.

6 Points Flag
maniacal_tentacle_monster commented at 2010-10-02 13:08:35 » #458000

wow, how long did it take you to write that? o.o

0 Points Flag
Kuroi_Kage commented at 2010-10-03 22:01:06 » #459828

Uh...30 min.

But hey, we all love our PC's right? WAY better than those wallet-cleaning MacOSX figurines... And they don't even really put out when it comes to gaming... (without Steam, they'd have nothing) They just look nice.

btw, google system file checking. It's easy, but there's a trick to it in Win7.

Also dude, you got the 458,000th post.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-10-29 09:02:34 » #488738



1. Install Linux distro
2. ???

Virtually no fragmentation (at least on ext4 filesystems) and nobody even writes malware to target Linux. Drivers were a much greater problem a few years back, now it's compatible with pretty much everything.

Runs much faster than any version of Windows (tested with XP and later) and you can run most Windows programs with WINE (although this usually requires some tweaking).

Now, if we're talking about newer games, you're pretty much fucked. I highly recommend dual-booting Windows and Linux - run games in Windows, use Linux for everything else (you'll avoid most Windows problems this way, and I doubt you'll need to multitask and alt-tab while running Crysis in 1080p).

2 Points Flag
Kuroi_Kage commented at 2010-11-03 23:03:13 » #494224

...never sat to think about that... using Linux for everyday stuff and then gaming with Windows... That IS a great idea..but I find myself switching to games for a break from work...but..then again it might get me more work done...lol. Tried Ubuntu, liked that one, Mandriva was alright, I haven't tried Linux Mint...

Hmmmmmm...it would also protect Nanami-chan when I go on a hentai raid beyond Gelbooru... I do have a 40GB drive lying around...


Thx man, I'mma do that.

1 Points Flag
copjones1994 commented at 2013-03-18 21:59:31 » #1285729

Just saying... KDE > Ubuntu IMO. I love windows 7 for it's widgets. KDE offers widgets and a similar setup to windows, plus cool features like built in compiz, rekonq web browser and IM client. Just awesomeness to the max.

0 Points Flag