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NeoHippy commented at 2010-06-18 15:27:27 » #337161

Fuck ya! Lightsabers FTW!!!

14 Points Flag
Daydreamer commented at 2010-12-18 19:25:14 » #550069

ROFLCOPTER. Look "Axis Powers Hetalia" !
The American dude is confessing that he was just waiting for the perfect opportunity to act big.

America suxx, sorry. :D
They entered the war when it was almost over and decided NOTHING! :D
They left their Allys bleeding and dying until Germany was beaten to a pulp by Russia and the smaller countrys who could still fight. ^_^
Also Germany had nearly no machinery of war left and would have been overrun even by low-equipped countrys.

Face reality. Amercia acted like a coward and was only concerned about the own soldiers.
Even Englands forces got less help when WW2 breaked out. They nearly went suicidal to let german teeth fly!
( Like Japan pilots did as well, to prevent americas advance. )

Im a "modern german" and knows a lot about WW2.

America was founded to become a supernation, attract with a bright and wealthy future in the "new World", but the fundamental idea is long lost.
Even with robbing the weakest country in the world, the citizen there are on the edge of poverty.

Because it has become a multi-culture ghetto, with no social health insurances and public assistance.
Everyone must look for himself and the more rich people dont want that to change.
" Dont want to help lazy slackers and [insert your religious or racial opinion why you dont like some group of people] and who cares that my country was founded to FREE humans from poverty and slavery. "

I like the line " Germany has unemployed people who get public assistance, America has prisoners instead. "
HAHAHAHA, its no fucken wonder that America is the nation with the highest rate of criminals in the world.
If you can become criminal or bite into the grass, what would you choose? :)

America sucks! And they dont want to change their slowly progressing cyberpunk-future, because they are TO DUMB and TO SELFISH to accept the facts!
And their military way of fighting is that of the most fucked coward ever possible.

Soldiers with amazing high training-standarts, hidden behind a wall of supermodern war-technology and in fear of an enemy who can even reach them.
( Heared they pissed themself while conquering Bagdad, because they had to fight HOUSE FOR HOUSE and human vs human. And couldnt just bomb everything away like they had prefered! )

The only good thing is that America is such an extrem good equiped coward.
I wouldnt have wanted Hitler to win. Germany would suck by now and the mountain of corpses would grow endlessly.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-16 16:33:43 » #622647

Nice troll passage. Hitler's a total otaku here xD

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-25 11:25:53 » #909619

May the Force be with you, young GDI...

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-21 14:16:43 » #1936796

tl;dr: Germany's still butthurt.

1 Points Flag