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Anonymous commented at 2019-11-28 05:05:27 » #2463710


5 Points Flag
Cypress_Cat commented at 2019-11-28 05:08:46 » #2463711


10 Points Flag
GematriA commented at 2019-11-28 10:36:56 » #2463796


(keystroke and other useless shit)

1 Points Flag
Enrico-Pucci commented at 2020-08-21 00:39:41 » #2559114

Why is it hot when girls force themselves onto men but it's a turn off when guys do the same to chicks??

4 Points Flag
Blanketslate commented at 2020-08-21 00:44:14 » #2559115

The funny thing is, most guys who wind up in this situation want it to happen or let it happen. Girls who are raped are usually beaten and have a bad time. Am I saying some women don't like forced sex? No. A few do actually if you ask around Gel. Some quite enjoy the idea of a man forcing his way inside her. Most people who consider themselves "normal" and don't have a open mind dislike it a lot, usually for a good reason. I'm a guy myself, and if a lady wanted to mount me without my consent I would be more agreeable.

8 Points Flag
Blanketslate commented at 2020-08-21 01:28:27 » #2559121

So we are just gonna flag a comment that has nothing wrong with it huh? Ok, feel free to kill people you disagree with and steal everything they own because you don't like what they say. Nothing I said was wrong, and completely ok.

5 Points Flag