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Anonymous commented at 2019-05-18 00:56:57 » #2379903

From left to right and up to down:

1. The Hero of Twilight (TP)
2. The Hero of Legend (AlttP, AlbW, LA, OoS, OoA, TH, BS)
3. The Hero of Time [Adult] (OoT)
4. The Hero of Time [Child] (OoT, MM)
5. The Hero of the Sky (SS)
6. The Hero of the Winds (WW, PH)
The Hero of New Hyrule (ST)
The First Hero of the Four Sword (MC)
The Second Hero of the Four Sword (FS)
The Third Hero of the Four Sword (FSA)
7. The Hero of Hyrule (TLZ, TAoL)
8. The Champion of Hyrule (BotW)
9. The Blue-Eyed Beast (TP)
10.The Last Incarnation of the Hero's Spirit (HW)

Some of them share the same desing but they aren't the same hero (No.6)

4 Points Flag
RandoPlan commented at 2021-04-30 09:49:26 » #2609404

Missing the pink bunny Link. I think it was from a snes game?

1 Points Flag