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Anonymous commented at 2019-03-17 10:44:29 » #2351698

This is very poor imo.

Maybe it's just taste. But I don't see any of V's characteristics stand out here. The wimpy skinny looking man with facial features befitting him became a thicc, plump and highly sexualised girl. She feels so little like V it's stupid.

She doesn't even has his pose. That is just a standard sexualised "slutty" anime pose.

I mean, you can make it sexy, even highly sexualised, but why remove the core features fitting the character? I could put on a rubber duck in the same suit and color scheme. Doesn't make it the rubber duck V.

6 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2019-03-23 22:05:24 » #2354582

I really wish people would learn that sexy and "slutty" are not mutually exclusive terms. :\

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-05-21 09:24:07 » #2381498

And I really wish people would learn that "mutually exclusive" means that if it's one, it can't be the other. It takes only basic reading comprehension to figure out that it means they each exclude each other.

What people have trouble learning is that sexy and slutty are not always the same thing, which is effectively the opposite of mutual exclusivity.

1 Points Flag