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Anonymous commented at 2018-08-11 17:10:49 » #2269172

"Lingering Sentiment"
My take from this is She cannot let go of her past existence, which is what the skeleton is - her former existence as a human (possibly male, given the size). The rose in its teeth is fresh, clearly placed there by someone, ditto the fresh petals placed about. The bones are clean, as if to look nice and not dusty or dirty. The skeleton is cared for, tended to.
The offering of the ring strikes me as a gift from Herself formerly to Herself presently. This action is triggered by the draped white fabric on the skeleton's left arm. The fabric matches Her clothes, and I think it serves as an unintentional medium by which the skeleton either responds independently or Her unconscious simply makes it seem that way - powered by Her own spirit, either way.
All of this because Her halo is not yet lit. It remains dark, inactive, because She cannot let go of who She was.
Only my two cents. It's a lovely picture.

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