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Anonymous commented at 2017-04-24 01:53:30 » #2122238

Fun fact, hypnotism is real, but it only works if the person being hypnotized wants to or at least is willing to do the command on some fundamental level. Which means on some level, she really does want this.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-04-24 07:53:11 » #2122308

If this were realistic hypnotism, your statement would make sense. However, in this setting, she is clearly depicted being affected by psionic powers, which have a wide variety of effects, most relevantly mental ones like belief inducement, emotion manipulation, mind control, etc. Therefore, it can be concluded that she only feels the way she does because she is being psychically forced to, and thus the notion that she did not want this at all to begin with remains a plausible possibility.

In short: nuh-uh.

2 Points Flag