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flatland.wulf commented at 2016-09-22 19:38:24 » #2023714

Man's Breast Friend. :)

7 Points Flag
damiantheantichrist commented at 2023-03-08 18:11:56 » #2787958

(this is a fun little fanfic for the image)

it's been at least 2 months since my husband brought home a anthro pet dog for our 9 year old daughter since her old pet hamster died not to long ago and my husband thought this puppy would cheer up our gloomy daughter in which it did and she named the puppy "Vao" and everything was going great but during the first week of having Vao I've noticed that my husband was spending alot of time with Vao I've thought nothing of it until it got to the point where he didn't come to bed instead spent his time out in the living room with that bitch I confronted about it to him the next morning but he reassured me that nothing was happening between him and her but day after day my husband ignored me more and more and he didn't even look at me like he used to when we first started dating and seemed to have to shifted his attention to our daughter and the dog but the straw that broke the camel's back was when I came home one night to find her and my husband having sex in our bed Vao was wearing nothing but a collar and leash with my husband's face between her big breasts that were bigger than mine I exploded in anger at him and demanding him and explanation but he showed no look of shame or regret and that's when Vao got off the bed and tower over me and started speaking fluent English...I thought animals couldn't talk but she started justifying her sleeping with my husband due to reasons that she started listing off the time I cheated on my husband,and the time when I insulted and neglected my husband,and the time when I abandoned my daughter at the park because I was annoyed of her crying and also taking out my anger on her and also the fact that I denied my husband sex while going off to sleep around with other dudes behind my husband's back I was speechless and I just went to sleep on the couch as Vao and my husband continued there fun now in the present Vao has became the wife of my husband and the mother of my daughter as my daughter sees Vao as her mother and despises me more now and all I do is stay out of the way and watch and rarely masturbate to my husband and Vao having sex but it's for the best Im the real pet now.

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