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Anonymous commented at 2015-05-28 06:39:27 » #1747685

YEESSS... Long live Korobov's work! This, ladies and gentlemen, is the assault rifle that Russia SHOULD have had, instead of the AK-74.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-22 04:52:22 » #1781164

There is good reason why Russia still uses the AKm-74 as their standard issue combat rifle. It's rugged reliability, cheap manufacture, and is more than accurate enough for real world combat. The only rifle that ever had a reasonable chance at replacing it was the AN-94, but it was too complicated and far too expensive for general use. Korobov's rifle never stood a chance at being adopted.

Both the AKm-74 and the M16/M4 rifles are likely going to stick around for a while. Generals tend to be set in their ways.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-08-11 11:39:16 » #1793188

All well and good for the AK, in any guise.

But you can't deny the attractiveness of a compact package that still houses a respectable barrel length. To my knowledge, the only reason why Korobov's works weren't more well received was because they were "too different." Of course, there was also the extensive use of polymers/plastics/bakelite that had yet to be tried, tested, and thoroughly proven.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-08-11 12:13:34 » #1793200

Ugly fragile alien piece of shit lost to the AK family because Russia needed disposable bullet-throwers for illiterate peasants. Backwards space-guns with irreparable unibody construction would've been useless for their purposes. A metal shell could've at least been hammered back into shape!

0 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2022-04-27 17:17:44 » #2707437

Found the bullpup hater.

Also, yes, the top brass are spoiled children who don't even know what they want They want innovation but then they pick nothing or they pick something that plays it safe and is familiar. You can't have innovation and familiar, innovative literally means trying something new, and even the familiar stuff was new and innovative at one point before it became the norm.

TLDR: Military leaders won't even give something new a chance to prove itself as better than the current/old small arms and replace it as the new normal.

2 Points Flag