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Lapool commented at 2016-09-15 21:54:01 » #2020179

Okay. Can someone explain to me why so many images of her have the 'genderswap' tag? Yes, she was male in the past, but she is, canonically, completely and totally female now. So why the hell is it being applied to every single image of her?

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Anonymous commented at 2016-12-20 02:53:58 » #2067741

As far as I know, any time a character of one physical sex becomes another, it counts as genderswap for tagging purposes. Such as crossdressing/transgender boys becoming women, even though they're technically still feminine-gendered. This is a bit of an ambiguous example, but if characters who canonically have their body transformed in series count, as well as characters who become the other in a virtual realm, then why shouldn't someone for whom it happened in backstory?

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