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Anonymous commented at 2013-03-13 00:20:47 » #1282175

...I kind of feel bad for fapping to so many pictures of this girl now. I mean, just look at that expression. That makes you want to hold her and protect her and pat her on the head every time she does something adorable, not throw her on the nearest bed and do her until the sun comes up.

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-03-18 12:06:11 » #1285393

Anno meant for her to be creepy, but she's just too cute.

11 Points Flag
St._Araqiel commented at 2013-03-22 14:13:24 » #1287883

I kind of feel bad for fapping to so many pictures of this girl now. I mean, just look at that expression. That makes you want to hold her and protect her and pat her on the head every time she does something adorable, not throw her on the nearest bed and do her until the sun comes up.

As opposed to gently laying her on the bed and making love to her 'til sunrise?

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-03-25 16:33:47 » #1289848

Well Anon2, if Anno had allowed Rei to become happy and smiley, all the fighting in Eva would come to a grinding halt. How would Anno tear our hearts out and step on them then?

2 Points Flag