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Fern commented at 2015-11-25 15:53:56 » #1854964

Hello, shit-tier translator here. Going to do my best. Most of it was google translate, I confess. Please feel free to correct.


[Blue textbox]

[Spoken, right to left, top to bottom]
1) はー <3
2) はー <3
3) あはー <3
4) バッツのはちほミハ(something)が
たつさくでてる <3 <3

[SFX on bottom]
ドプ ドプ ドプ ドプ ドプ 


[Blue textbox]
1) Faris has Conlon! (Is this supposed to be confused somehow? I would expect katakana if they were going to engrish it コンフセド or something.)
2) Faris was Bassi (not sure)
3) (no clue)
4) Faris's MP is
5) Became was Mitan (not sure)

[Spoken, right to left, top to bottom]
1) Haa-
2) Haa-
3) Ahaa
4) Butts of Wachiho Hiroyoshi (something) Is
Some sunny
It shines on the falling fence

[SFX on bottom]
Dopu x5. I'm really not sure about the second character, it looks more like プ than any other handakuten character so I went with it.

Seriously, what is that character in the blue box though? 3rd row, 5th character from the left. It reminds me of kangaeru 考える (to think) but I'm pretty sure it's all hiragana/katakana.

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