
Notice: We are now selling NEW Gelbooru Merch~! Domestic shipping is free on all orders! Do you have an artist tag on Gelbooru? Let us know so we can properly credit you!

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More up to date API Documentation.

API Basics

You should never receive an error unless the server is overloaded or the search dies. In cases of the searcher breaking, you will receive a response success of "false" and a message stating "search down" or similiar.



Url for API access: /index.php?page=dapi&s=post&q=index

  • limit How many posts you want to retrieve. There is a hard limit of 100 posts per request.
  • pid The page number.
  • tags The tags to search for. Any tag combination that works on the web site will work here. This includes all the meta-tags. See cheatsheet for more information.
  • cid Change ID of the post. This is in Unix time so there are likely others with the same value if updated at the same time.
  • id The post id.
  • json Set to 1 for JSON formatted response.

Deleted Images

Url for API access: /index.php?page=dapi&s=post&q=index&deleted=show

  • last_id A numerical value. Will return everything above this number.



Url for API access: /index.php?page=dapi&s=comment&q=index

  • post_id The id number of the comment to retrieve.