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Now Viewing: The hatred for porn is absouletely batshit insane.
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SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
The hatred for porn is absouletely batshit insane.
Posted on: 05/14/24 12:45AM

I don't really know what else to say other than that I'm just absolutely flabbergasted by the amount of people who take to Reddit, Youtube, Twitter, etc. and complain that pornography is this destructive, corrupt, pile of evil.

From the radical leftist feminists to the red pilled right wingers, it seems they all share the opinion that it is extremely harmful and should be avoided at all costs. Although it is mostly the nofap virgin gooners and the shrieking tumblr feminists I find the most vocal about it.

I'd like to think I have a fairly nuanced view on pornography, whereas I can see the issues and the potential dangers it possesses. I also happen to think porn addiction is a very valid concept, and those who compulsively fap to porn should put it down and seek help before they become a nuisance to others.

However, as an avid consumer of porn, I would rather defend its existence with my life and would never dream of degrading into some disgusting lying motherfucker who pretends otherwise. Like the preacher who sings of damnation and righetous crusades, all while he sins the hardest behind closed doors. I'll never pretend that porn is completely bad and there's no good that can come from it, unlike these slimy fuckers.

Starbase_74_User - Group: Member - Total Posts: 13
Posted on: 05/14/24 03:37AM

Some of it is probably religion/purity culture telling them that "sex bad, sex only for making baby, not for fun", or inadequate sex-ed. Some of it is probably misinformed opinions arrived at through emotion rather than reasoning.

My high school sex-ed never really went into pornography and how to deal with the problems that may come from it, or anything about separating porn from reality. You'd think with most modern teenagers encountering porn at some point you'd teach them a bit about it but, guess not. :/

Ilikechocos - Group: Member - Total Posts: 31
Posted on: 05/14/24 04:04AM

Reminds me of a person who walks into an art gallery, complaining why there are pictures on the wall. They come back to visit every day. It is Sad they are a delusional hypocrite.

It is easier than ever before to act self-rightous on social media, with skeletons in the closet, to engage in circle-jerk echo-chambers, dismiss dissenting opinions, establish a cult church and try to ban stuff...

Social media platform owners could easily stamp out the bullshit if they wanted, but they allow controversial topics to spread. It generates more ad-clicks and user data. Everyone is being exploited in some way.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 05/14/24 06:48AM

Starbase_74_User said:
Some of it is probably religion/purity culture telling them that "sex bad, sex only for making baby, not for fun", or inadequate sex-ed. Some of it is probably misinformed opinions arrived at through emotion rather than reasoning.

The funny thing is that it honestly feels like religious beliefs and western purity culture have both taken such a backseat to more current-year social values. That includes things like "bro science" and "female objectification theory."

A lot of it seems to be unreasonable emotions backed by illogical reasoning. Lots of bold assumptions being made, and a few other things that may sound scientific, but aren't 100% truthful.

Starbase_74_User said:
My high school sex-ed never really went into pornography and how to deal with the problems that may come from it, or anything about separating porn from reality. You'd think with most modern teenagers encountering porn at some point you'd teach them a bit about it but, guess not. :/

We need powerful education more than ever because some people clearly cannot handle unrestricted access to pornography without losing their marbles when it's too much for them.

Separating porn from reality can be pretty easy for the most part. I don't understand why some people think it will always warp someone's perception.

arrow189 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 68
Posted on: 05/14/24 08:13AM

IMO it entirely revolves around hatred for men. Pop culture normalizes erotica, self-play and fantasy for women but men are still aggressively shamed for the slightest display of sexuality. The status quo supports "sex workers" but then they don't make sex work legal, they just "decriminalize" it so their clients(men) can still go to jail. There is a disturbing alliance of theocrats who think almighty God wants to micromanage people's penises with holdout last-gen anti sex feminists who see all men as rapists and see sex workers and porn stars as "class traitors" for allowing men access to their bodies. We have a growing population of disenfranchised young men being targeted by misinformation-spreading grifters creating shame cults online.

Nobody is calling women porn addicts for following male models on instagram or larping as neuroscientists about women reading twilight lemon on AO3. It's only men and boys getting attacked, as has been the usual during my lifetime.

Orphan_crippler - Group: Member - Total Posts: 575
Posted on: 05/14/24 08:55AM

Talking about sex education, I believe the ones who must be reached are the parents on how to talk about it with their kids and how to help them control themselves and become addicts.

Another thing, in the case you believe school should be teaching this to teenagers do you think they should also talk about hentai? Because the subject is so hard to explain in a proper way, like, how do you expect the average person to understand cartoons aren't real and therefore masturbating to "canonically minors" isn't a harmful thing? And let's not start with shit like the legality of using copyrighted characters for this nor talk about the world of original content such as doujins nor the morality of lolicon/shotacon nor how it should be treated, I don't remember ever being teched about real child porn in school so I would find it lame for school to start teaching about lolicon instead of the real problem.

Also returning to the original topic, porn will forever be hated because it reminds people has personal preferences and those with a rock bottom self esteem will compare themselves to this "unrealistic ideal" even tho they have their own preferences too and most people don't expect to be with someone who marks all boxes

skliskler - Group: Member - Total Posts: 62
Posted on: 05/14/24 01:08PM

SadSap said:
I don't really know what else to say other than that I'm just absolutely flabbergasted by the amount of people who take to Reddit, Youtube, Twitter, etc. and complain that pornography is this destructive, corrupt, pile of evil.

Perhaps egocentric to mention but this simply does not happen to me, personally. I think the algorithms are rage-baiting you. I'm not on Twitter anymore or Reddit, though, so maybe they're rage-baiting everyone.

humingbird - Group: Member - Total Posts: 269
Posted on: 05/14/24 01:24PM

I don’t pay attention to puritanical crap anymore and am a lot happier because of it. Who gives a fuck; we’re gonna die one day anyways

Flamingo123 - Group: Lysdexic and Kinp - Total Posts: 2232
Posted on: 05/14/24 01:38PM

post #10009603


ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8480
Posted on: 05/14/24 01:38PM

Flamingo123 said:
post #10009603

Horny bird.

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