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Now Viewing: So when you're finding yourself getting a new fetish...
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BaconMinion - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1543
So when you're finding yourself getting a new fetish...
Posted on: 11/20/23 12:10PM

Do ya ever catch yourself in real time and start asking yourself if this is a path you really want to go down?

For example, I've been finding myself the last day or so getting real into drawn images that are clearly in rape territory. And not the rape fantasy way, like crying and fear and all that. And I'm concerned that I'm going to go into things that I normally don't like, such as blood and injuries and all that.

But can you even stop yourself from that? Can you go into self denial over what gets your crank going? Or is that the fast track to going crazy?

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8841
Posted on: 11/20/23 12:20PM

BaconMinion said:
But can you even stop yourself from that?
Can you go into self denial over what gets your crank going?
Or is that the fast track to going crazy?

Yes, but it is complicated.
Yes. You might even feel disgust when you finish.
It can also be bit of that.

Gfunk-ZX - Group: Member - Total Posts: 405
Posted on: 11/20/23 12:37PM

Did you ever joke about that specific genre before? I've noticed that a lot of people who joke about certain fetishes, often go down a slippery path of enjoying said fetish. Of course, this is just a personal opinion/question, nothing concrete.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8841
Posted on: 11/20/23 12:50PM

Gfunk-ZX said:
I've noticed that a lot of people who joke about certain fetishes, often go down a slippery path of enjoying said fetish.

Haha, I have noticed that too.

MoralSquandery - Group: Member - Total Posts: 72
Posted on: 11/20/23 01:37PM

Part of being an upstanding citizen is not rewarding "destructive but natural" impulses. So yes, if you found yourself turned on by something you don't want to be turned on by, you could always pray the degeneracy away.

supremz - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1660
Posted on: 11/20/23 04:20PM

I was a bit disgusted with myself when enjoying guro and masturbating to it for the first time. Eventually I understood there was no easy way of accepting this and just kinda got over it and decided that as long as I’m not actually hurting anyone, there’s nothing inherently wrong or evil about it.

When I first came out as bi, my instincts sort of told me people would never see me the same way again. The reality of homophobia in the world suddenly applied to me instead of other people, but on the plus side, now I can share my love for bishōunen with others :3

I have a cheating fetish. This is not good, because I have a real life reputation as a womanizer. I am still watching this one carefully.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8841
Posted on: 11/20/23 04:50PM

supremz said:

You are quite a mess.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 6186
Posted on: 11/20/23 04:57PM

It's a very complicated topic and one that I do wish I could answer sufficiently, but I cannot. The pessimistic and rude part of me wants to leap out and say "eww, just don't be a fucking sicko creep lulz" but the empathetic and optimistic side of me understands that the human mind can't always control what it's attracted to. And that your fetishes don't always necessarily determine who you are as a person.

I sympathize that it can be a terrifying and chilling feeling when you feel you're looking down a dark path, and realizing there aren't many outlets to pull yourself back from it. I despise rape fetish drawings (especially ones with crying) and do have a little prejudice towards people who make rape fetish comments, but sometimes I wonder if that was my fetish. Then the shoe would be on the other foot. I'd be on the side of which I was condemning.

The most important thing is ensuring that none of it slips into the real world in any significant way. As in, you don't see yourself having serious thoughts of raping an attractive woman when you're alone with her. In that case, you must stop what you're doing and immediately seek professional mental help, because every human should feel a responsibility to not harm others in a traumatic, scarring, way.

I find doing healthy activities can certainly help put your mind at ease. Exercise, socialize, learn something useful, meditate, etc. Distract yourself onto non-harmful things. It sounds cliche, but for me at least, it does work. I've noticed my brain doesn't think nearly as much about porn and sexual fetishism when I'm actually doing some of those things for enough time.

And trust me, I know exactly what it's like to have a taboo fetish. I have a very complicated relationship with oppai lolis and teenaged shortstacks. The first time I masturbated and ejaculated to what was clearly an...... ahem.... young girl with big breasts and a big butt, I felt utterly disgusted in myself, depressed, and terrified that I would transform into some sort of sexual predator when I got into my 20's. Now I look back and laugh at it. Now I just tell myself it is completely biologically normal for heterosexual men to be attracted to cute-faced girls with big breasts, wide hips, and a big butt.

Just don't commit a crime, publicly endorse it to any dangerous individuals, get publicly cancelled online, or get the police involved, and you're good to go.

supremz - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1660
Posted on: 11/20/23 05:02PM


That’s just scratching the surface, too.

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8841
Posted on: 11/20/23 05:04PM

supremz said:

I know, I know.

So, you are top or bottom. You give some dick or receive some dick.

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