Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: posts showing as blacklist yet nothing on black list tag
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donnymost - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1
posts showing as blacklist yet nothing on black list tag
Posted on: 12/02/13 05:40PM

just noticed this today, anyone else have this odd problem?

Jerl - Group: The Real Administrator - Total Posts: 6783
Posted on: 12/02/13 06:05PM

This is likely due to your post score threshold. All posts below your threshold will be blacklisted regardless of what tags are on the image. The default post score threshold is 0, but you can raise or lower it to whatever you want in your account settings.

Ghostnom - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2
Posted on: 12/23/13 11:00PM

Ah, I see that it says that all posts below this will be ignored as the description set for "post score threshold", however... Mine is set to 0 and I still can't see some images... Can I set it to -1 to be able to view them all?

Jerl - Group: The Real Administrator - Total Posts: 6783
Posted on: 12/23/13 11:12PM

Setting it to -1 will not show you all of them, as there are plenty of posts with quite lower scores than that. Currently the post with the lowest score is at -139.

It seems that the score: metatag breaks down for scores lower than 0, so I can't give you an actual number for posts whose score is lower than -1, but by using sort:score:asc, we can estimate it to be at least 34 pages of images.

If you want to be absolutely certain to see every image on the site, you should set your score threshold to something ridiculously negative that will never actually be reached. I set mine to -9999.

Ghostnom - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2
Posted on: 12/24/13 12:37AM

Gotcha! Thanks a lot Jerl :DDD Very helpful.

And thanks Donnymost for asking the same question that I had :)

Double44 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 15
Posted on: 01/03/14 08:40AM

I was just about to create the same thread asking about this. Wouldn't setting the score threshold to -9999 cause you to see undesirable pictures? Anything near -10 or lower is usually a terrible pic (or too graphic), and a waste of time to view.

Jerl - Group: The Real Administrator - Total Posts: 6783
Posted on: 01/03/14 09:05AM

Yes. In my case, I kinda NEED to be able to see those images. Of course, you can set your threshold to whatever you want.

megamanzx9 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2
Posted on: 05/04/15 12:34AM

Jerl said:
Yes. In my case, I kinda NEED to be able to see those images. Of course, you can set your threshold to whatever you want.

I'm actually having the same problem. I've set my threshold to -999999999 and the same for comments. It seems the entire "gay" tag has been black listed.

Now, let me go on record with saying I HATE black listing. It omits posts I may want to see, so I put NOTHING in that box. But when an entire tag is black listed, there's a problem. Can anyone lend a hand? Thanks.

jedi1357 - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 5877
Posted on: 05/04/15 12:52AM

megamanzx9 said:

I'm actually having the same problem. I've set my threshold to -999999999 and the same for comments. It seems the entire "gay" tag has been black listed.

Now, let me go on record with saying I HATE black listing. It omits posts I may want to see, so I put NOTHING in that box. But when an entire tag is black listed, there's a problem. Can anyone lend a hand? Thanks.

I don't know if having more than 4 digits in the threshold would be a problem but...maybe.

Also, gay is not a tag. Try "yaoi" for guy-guy/or "yuri" if you're into girl-girl.

dandere_dylan - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2
Posted on: 07/14/18 10:02PM


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