Now Viewing: [Tagging] Gardeners Guild: Discuss Tagging Here!
Keep it civil, do not flame or bait other users. If you notice anything illegal or inappropriate being discussed, contact an administrator or moderator.
This is a general thread for gardeners and users to discuss tags and Identify themselves. In order to qualify as a gardener you must be required to: 1.Have a working knowledge of how Gelbooru works as a site. 2.Either be a regular user of the forums (about 150 posts), the IRC, or the Discord. 3.Have an understanding of the site's tagging system and wiki. 4.Have a general understanding of the TOS. =================================================================== Registry Here is a list of established Gardeners.
Guildmaster: Jedi1357, ask him anything about the guild that's not covered in this post.
================================================================== Be respectful to the staff. Please be aware that not all gardeners qualify to become site-staff gardeners. ================================================================== FAQ's Q:What is a gardener? A:A gardener is a user that takes care of tags on pictures and helps out with finding rule-breaking images.
Q:What is a site-staff gardener? A:A site-staff gardener is a user in the Unofficial Gardener's Guild usergroup. Users in this usergroup are exempted from the 10-second wait between tag edits. As this is an actual Gelbooru site staff position, promotion to this status is entirely up to the site owner, lozertuser.
Q:Why are you doing this? A: It's fun.
Q:Where do I report things? A: Please refer to this thread for bad tags.
I would love to join, I already have #1,3, and 4 down to a T. Hmm, I guess till I get in 130+ more posts, I'll have to continue being an undercover gardener.
- Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 4399
I've been around longer than Anti_Gendou but not as long as Xalrun and I never touch the IRC. I used to be more active with my tagging but since the bot blocker came into use I don't go so far out of my way to fix lots of posts. If I come across a post that obviously needs fixing than I try to fix it. Lately it's been many demetrio-001000 posts.