Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: Unable to search this deep in temporarily.
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Spice - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1
Unable to search this deep in temporarily.
Posted on: 04/25/11 12:53AM

i got this error as i was searching through all the photos tagged touhou, it appears everything past 20000 is unavailable. Fix it please, i must go deeper.

Deusexcalamus - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 1169
Posted on: 04/25/11 01:14AM

Spice said:
i got this error as i was searching through all the photos tagged touhou, it appears everything past 20000 is unavailable. Fix it please, i must go deeper.

*cue Inception joke*

jedi1357 - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 5877
Posted on: 04/25/11 02:43AM

Search "touhou id:<20000"
Then search "touhou id:<40000"

Keep adding 20000 to the number with each new search. After 58 searches, you've seen it all.

Albtraum - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2
Posted on: 05/04/13 07:51PM

remember that when you use "id#" you are including all the id numbers of all pictures across every category. searching for all breast pictures between id: 10000-20000 will only get you a couple of pages.

also, typing in "id:10000-20000" won't work. Use "id:>10000 id:<20000" it get all the id's between 10000 and 20000.

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