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Mordredfan commented at 2024-12-07 16:41:27 » #2942976
No feet shown, nothing on feet put then?
0 Points Flag
No feet shown, nothing on feet put then?
0 Points Flag
twilight_jester commented at 2024-12-07 16:37:15 » #2942975
I bet Bridget would have tears of joy when she see's Sena dressing up like that.
0 Points Flag
I bet Bridget would have tears of joy when she see's Sena dressing up like that.
0 Points Flag
twilight_jester commented at 2024-12-07 16:28:20 » #2942972
^ well yeah, I mean Mio and hot weather don't mix.
0 Points Flag
^ well yeah, I mean Mio and hot weather don't mix.
0 Points Flag
kiritoKusanagi commented at 2024-09-16 08:16:18 » #2918334
It's so wholesome that Glimmer it's cheering up her sister by offering her a drink.
0 Points Flag
It's so wholesome that Glimmer it's cheering up her sister by offering her a drink.
0 Points Flag
VIZARD_ commented at 2024-12-07 16:00:03 » #2942966
I swear do you ever shut up leave me alone simp you know I don't like you and if u keep this up I will notify a mod on discord
1 Points Already Flagged!
I swear do you ever shut up leave me alone simp you know I don't like you and if u keep this up I will notify a mod on discord
1 Points Already Flagged!
Marleyansimp commented at 2024-12-07 15:46:32 » #2942961
Easy, they raid Rick Ross's house
0 Points Flag
Easy, they raid Rick Ross's house
0 Points Flag
Samos28 commented at 2024-12-07 15:48:47 » #2942962
Hey, I know this Doujin~ It's called Hang in there *sob* Kogasa-chan. The basic premise is that Kogasa saves Flandre from being barbequed by the sun when she loses her umbrella and somehow that translates into love at first sight for Flandre.
Then the scene more or less transitions into the picture above with Kaga-chan understandably sh*ting bricks.
Honestly has one of the best depictions of Remilia I've ever seen.
0 Points Flag
Hey, I know this Doujin~ It's called Hang in there *sob* Kogasa-chan. The basic premise is that Kogasa saves Flandre from being barbequed by the sun when she loses her umbrella and somehow that translates into love at first sight for Flandre.
Then the scene more or less transitions into the picture above with Kaga-chan understandably sh*ting bricks.
Honestly has one of the best depictions of Remilia I've ever seen.
0 Points Flag