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stratoslash commented at 2024-12-07 18:10:28 » #2942995
6 years late, source is here:
0 Points Flag
6 years late, source is here:
0 Points Flag
MPSC172 commented at 2018-05-22 04:26:44 » #2241091
On Nhentai there's an Author called "kouji" that has this exact same art style, there's a Tenshi Footjob doujin where this Kokoro scene happens. But when i searched up "kouji" on Gelbooru, i found a guy which art style seems a little different from this. So i'm not 100% if it's the same guy.
0 Points Flag
On Nhentai there's an Author called "kouji" that has this exact same art style, there's a Tenshi Footjob doujin where this Kokoro scene happens. But when i searched up "kouji" on Gelbooru, i found a guy which art style seems a little different from this. So i'm not 100% if it's the same guy.
0 Points Flag
BootyliciousB commented at 2024-12-07 17:57:59 » #2942992
Drinking and bathing can be dangerous, I better be a life guard
0 Points Flag
Drinking and bathing can be dangerous, I better be a life guard
0 Points Flag
zombiespacial commented at 2024-12-07 17:55:48 » #2942991
She kinda has an aura of Lion Girl instead of Cat Girl here
1 Points Flag
She kinda has an aura of Lion Girl instead of Cat Girl here
1 Points Flag
BootyliciousB commented at 2024-12-07 17:55:35 » #2942990
Something about those curves is just so appealing
1 Points Flag
Something about those curves is just so appealing
1 Points Flag
MommySensei commented at 2024-12-07 17:48:16 » #2942988
gelbooru users out in the wild once again showing how they have no working brain cells... absolutely fascinating
4 Points Flag
gelbooru users out in the wild once again showing how they have no working brain cells... absolutely fascinating
4 Points Flag
BigStudBen commented at 2024-12-07 17:42:10 » #2942987
~No, but it does create a Double Standard, it gives excuse then for Black Characters to become Trans-White, You'll then see the Anger.. However, I would bang an African-Japanese Hoe~.. <3 <3 <3
1 Points Flag
~No, but it does create a Double Standard, it gives excuse then for Black Characters to become Trans-White, You'll then see the Anger.. However, I would bang an African-Japanese Hoe~.. <3 <3 <3
1 Points Flag
We_must_band_together_united_for_Dalaran! commented at 2024-12-07 17:33:52 » #2942984
I see no evil
3 Points Flag
I see no evil
3 Points Flag
twilight_jester commented at 2024-12-07 16:44:46 » #2942979
yup, I can see Sena being like that too.
1 Points Flag
yup, I can see Sena being like that too.
1 Points Flag