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Only_Kemonomimi commented at 2024-12-07 21:21:08 » #2943040
It bothers me that they keep tagging this as "loli" just because the video contains to roxy
1 Points Flag
It bothers me that they keep tagging this as "loli" just because the video contains to roxy
1 Points Flag
piperdongles commented at 2024-12-07 21:09:40 » #2943034
she was like "I see you there you fucker idiot Shinji. After this we gon at the back of the school and you'll eat me off you shit"
0 Points Flag
she was like "I see you there you fucker idiot Shinji. After this we gon at the back of the school and you'll eat me off you shit"
0 Points Flag
Apostate802701 commented at 2024-12-07 21:09:27 » #2943033
??????? ? ???????? ??????????
0 Points Flag
??????? ? ???????? ??????????
0 Points Flag
sock-san commented at 2024-12-07 20:40:04 » #2943019
Toe socks are basically like gloves for your feet, with little compartments for each toe. They wrap each one separately, which helps keep the toes aligned, reduces rubbing that can cause blisters, and makes them more breathable. They're great for stuff like running, yoga, or just keeping your feet comfy.
1 Points Flag
Toe socks are basically like gloves for your feet, with little compartments for each toe. They wrap each one separately, which helps keep the toes aligned, reduces rubbing that can cause blisters, and makes them more breathable. They're great for stuff like running, yoga, or just keeping your feet comfy.
1 Points Flag