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GibLoliKani commented at 2024-05-03 11:29:09 » #2886511

I love how possessive and smug she looks like, that is what means to be owned by a loli.~

24 Points Flag
Isopropyl commented at 2024-05-25 11:29:49 » #2890980

Fuck, this picture made me remember one of my cringiest memories. When I was 11, my family took vacation in neighboring city, and they tried to reconnect to some distant relatives (this was 13 years ago so the memory's fuzzy at best). We went to a beach for some family reunion bullshit, and they had a was very... "aggressive" girl of 8 years, who just forced herself onto me, tried to hold hands all the time, constantly peppered me with kisses to cheek. Given that I was (and mostly still am) autistic I didn't immideately spill spaghetti, but that weirded me out and was hard to process, so I just passively let her do whatever she wanted. It wasn't until the evening that both my family and relatives went to their place, and started to drink outdoors, leaving me and that girl alone in apartment. Holy shit she had the same fucking smug smile while I probably covered like a scared rabbit, so once she decided to escalate the encounter (a kiss to lips) I couldn't take this anymore and bolted out while screaming "lesbian" (I didn't even know what the word meant, just that it was something relating to females and usually in negative context). The laughter of entire family seeing me crying like a little pussy was legendary, the glasses of champagne rattled like it was minor earthquake... Guess here I am now, needless to say still a virgin and I never was interested in 3D women since my introduction to anime via imageboards.

10 Points Flag