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domanxyz92 commented at 2010-12-04 21:36:32 » #531915

this is the first ever genderbender version of ichigo i've ever seen

22 Points Flag
jojosstand commented at 2010-12-04 23:59:00 » #532049


There are a few shonen manga with female leads:

Soul Eater-- Maka Albarn
Angelic Layer (technically shonen, even though it's written by CLAMP)-- Misaki Suzuhara
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6 Stone Ocean-- Jolyne Kujo

But it's still pretty rare for a female to be the lead of a shonen fighting series.

18 Points Flag
Renzokuken commented at 2010-12-05 00:06:31 » #532053

It's because Shonen manga is aimed at preadolescent boys, who identify more with teenage male protagonists.

20 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-05 09:08:24 » #532412

A girl lead would really suck with emotions and girl problems so hell no guy are just like"fuck it lets fight"

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-05 16:54:08 » #532812

Hmmm... Fairy Tail is another one I suppose. Soul Eater is a good example too actually. But yeah, pretty rare. However, SHONEN implies that it is meant for an audience of mainly BOYS.

16 Points Flag
MechaShadowV2 commented at 2010-12-06 03:46:38 » #533451

and, wouldnt guys want to have a hot girl in a manga alot? thats why they do it in video games, anyway, like others are saying, there are som but its rare, as for anon1, shut the hell up, i dont think there are many out there that use your line of reasoning so i dobt thats the awnser.

10 Points Flag
Hyperion_Zero commented at 2010-12-06 04:09:27 » #533474

The main reason there aren't many is that teenage boys are insecure, as anon1 demonstrates.
Every time they see a girl kicking ass and not needing to be rescued by a man, it reminds that they are not masculine at all. (They're teen aged boys after all) So they end up feeling emasculated.
They don't feel threatened by male protagonists because they can "identify with them", that is to pretend to be just like them. (I would SO totally say "Fuck it, let's fight!" and not run and hide, because I am a MAN! Just like Ichigo! -anon1)
This is why the aforementioned Soul Eater isn't nearly as popular as Naruto or Bleach, despite being enormously superior.

22 Points Flag
hanabishi_kanda commented at 2010-12-07 12:08:09 » #535140

wow, just left a few days ago and i alreayd got all the way up to 10, lol. ok, i will accept angelic layer cause i read it and soul eater and maybe the jojo bazar adventures manga. but then how many other shonen manga has the main lead a girl. i can understand that its aimed at boys and a teenage boy would be good, but then sometimes a little veriety would be even better. but almost all the shonen mangas i have seen, the main lead is always a male, and the lead females never or seem to never get enough show time.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-08 08:36:02 » #536331

how about battle angel? Is that shounen?

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-09 05:22:08 » #537647

dont forget Claymore

0 Points Flag