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Anonymous commented at 2010-11-20 20:43:12 » #514247

From what I can remember, Reimu's owner is punishing her for having these children. The owner could've simply put the kids up to adoption, but decided to be an asshole instead.

42 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-21 15:11:21 » #515150

a pet that disobeys its master deserves to be punished.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-16 17:21:18 » #849027

Yukkrui abusers have proved themselves to be retarded asshole trolls as always.

36 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-09-23 10:23:10 » #884180

It's like a dream: even the biggest coward and mommy's boy can be "fucking hardcore" online, watching "anon" induce pain for no reason, feeling superior for a little while and talking big on the internet. Burning cats with gasoline is messy, disciplinable, smells like shit and you need at least a little bit of guts, a cat and some free space. Burning impaled yukkuri babies in front of their tied mother is easier than picking your nose - it's imaginary.

28 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-09-23 10:24:07 » #884181

sentient, cute beings with human emotions, able to feel pain and cry, clumsy and virtually defenseless, easy to breed and torture both physically and psychically. No guts and gore, just bean paste. No retribution for the torture, nobody cares about the "manjuu".

28 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-09-23 10:25:13 » #884182

Mostly, 90% of yukkuri related pictures on the internet is about yukkuri's being raped, killed, tortured, among other things. I know I shouldn't think about it like this, but the internet is so f****d up.

I thought the whole take it easy thing by itself was funny, as this video proves, but the rest of the internets comments like, "I wish it got killed" is ruining this concept

26 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-07-13 05:28:45 » #1115133

Picture of a little girl getting cut up into pieces and raped in a guro pic *fapfapfapfapfap*

You yukkuri lovers are fucking hilarious, keep raging bitches.

6 Points Flag
Psycho2112 commented at 2012-07-27 02:39:25 » #1125577

Maybe we like yukkuris for different reasons. We are NOT all in the same boat asshole. There's another reason I like yukkuris (besides being adorable). And yes, sometimes I feel the need for some guro and then I notice all the guro haters are on a fucking crusade to stop any image that even hints towards guro. We all like different shit, and dislike other shit.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-09-26 17:23:52 » #1169159

@ #1115133

Where's your proof? You don't have any. You simply whine and cry like a little bitch, hiding behind your strawman argument. Typical of you yukkuri abusers.

17 Points Flag
jedi1357 commented at 2012-09-26 17:29:55 » #1169162

Looks to me like she only has enough food to keep one of them from starving to death and the master is letting her choose witch one lives.

2 Points Flag