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Anonymous commented at 2010-10-31 14:52:06 » #490997

:O i thought that was a photograph

21 Points Flag
SilverFerret commented at 2010-10-31 18:04:16 » #491132

True. Tagging ''realistic''...

10 Points Flag
depean commented at 2010-11-04 11:59:11 » #494656

It is a traced photograph. Here's source:

11 Points Flag
CrimsonDX commented at 2010-11-05 19:35:03 » #496169

It's not a trace. Yes, it used that image as reference. But, There is a big difference between "tracing" and "reference" if you compare the two images closely you can tell that the artist made changes to it. Using reference images is a perfectly valid method of practice.

Tracing does not get you an image this good, Whoever made this is a skilled artist.

12 Points Flag
Monolith commented at 2010-11-20 15:27:36 » #513905

I'm not trying to badmouth anyone in this "conversation" or even the Artist but i have to disagree with CrimsonDX.

I jst got a little bored and compared the 2 pictures to one each other by overlaying them and I have say that the essence of the body IS/WAS a Trace.

Overlaying both Images I can tell that most of the outlines of body from the Picture match with those on the Photo.
Those that don't match in the same scale do when I resize them.

The artist traced the image to get the shapes done and later rescaled parts to "manganize" them or suit his/her preferences in proportions.
Having a good eye is one thing but outlines matching that perfect while calling it a reference is ridiculous.

Other than that... Awesome coloring of the body! ( which is still hard enough to do ).

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-28 13:43:45 » #523738

Monolith: A skilled life drawing artist is able to measure and accurately check his scale and proportions and get proper line placement. Be it verticals horizontals or diagonals. It's not all that difficult to get accurate shape placement if your eye is trained.

Secondly, another method is by using a grid method. Divide the original picture into a grid and accurately reproduce it in your drawings.

Thirdly, he could have traced it but they are too many little mismatches (particularly in his negative shapes and the shadow) for me to think he did. If if did trace it was a rather sloppy tracing.

It's frustrating that non-artist laymen simply cannot fathom or understand how it is possible to accurately copy what one looks at.

Copying photographs is relatively easy. Doing it from the model or painting a great still life, now that's a fun challenge.

Look up some fine art realistic still life and portraits where the degree of accurate reproduction is out of this world while there is not even an opening for accusations of tracing since it's from life.

Here's another obviously classically trained artist on Gelbooru. He still does it manga/anime but the trained eye is evident.


4 Points Flag
Monolith commented at 2011-04-06 13:45:31 » #683981

@ Anon #523738:
Just because one can't cook does not mean one can't tell that something is done well/bad - Same applies for art critics = You don't have to be an artist to critic someones work. Get used to it.
If this does not work out for you:
I am an artist myself who's doing everything from imagination and references in my head which IS the reason why I noticed there beeing something off on this picture not beeing a trace.

You're talking about artists beeing able to accurately copy what they see.
I have to disagree on this one... No artist can not create lines so perfectly matching like those seen on the comparison I did back then. They may get close to it but they don't match them.
Not even those guys that draw entire cities from memory after taking a 1h flight around it can do this.

With your "little mismatches" you're contradicting yourself in your theory that he/she or someone else is able to create a perfect copy.
And before you jump in to say I'm contradicting myself aswell: "...I have say that the essence of the body IS/WAS a Trace" ESSENCE+Body = Outlines = all I'm talking about ( not the shading/rendering which I commented as beeing awesome )

About Alphonse: He is indeed incredible with the Reallife shading/rendering but if you take it away you'll see that the lineart is entirely Manga which can't be traced as there is no person on the planet with such a body.
Which wouldn't hinder him from using references.

If you don't see the difference to what we're talking about you might want to stop jumping in "defending" an artist.

Hell... My entire last post wasn't even to badmouthing the artist ( I don't give a shit if he's tracing his art ) but correcting CrimsonDX for denying this beeing a trace because of some minor alterations.

"Tracing does not get you an image this good, Whoever made this is a skilled artist."
Using a lineart trace to practice your shading on sure does make difference in workflow.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-26 12:04:53 » #825350

Dat ass. Period.

5 Points Flag