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Crazyplazys12 commented at 2024-02-11 07:47:07 » #2864799

I want to save her.... everything in this world is just a lie a hoax, I wish I could be a better person. I wish I could help everyone out but I'm no superman

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Pink_salamander_ commented at 2024-06-06 22:57:58 » #2893528

Ya Know. Life is a lot like porn. It's fake, an illusion an ideal. A wish, a desire.

But it's not that you would or want to commit heinous acts. It is an illusion of your desire to be free. To be yourself. To destroy the innocent delusion of ignorance.

But the journey, the moment to yourself where you can just Be. Not think of what Was, What Will, but What Is.

Enjoy The Fap. Embrace the Fap. Reflect on the Destruction of your own Dreams, move forward. Live in Reality. You'll find Happiness I promise.

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