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Anonymous commented at 2010-10-27 10:33:00 » #486527

This is nice...one of the only accurate realism works I've seen of these three, because it doesn't try to portray them as dogs or cats, which is incorrect, but what they really are based on.

Entei- Fu Lion (shishi), a stone lion common in Japan's history, like a gargoyle, that guarded holy places.

Raikou- Raiju, a lightning spirit that can take the form of animals, including tigers.

Suicune- Quilin, a Japanese form of unicorn with a dragonish muzzle, giraffe or leopard spots, and the horns of a deer. It can walk on water and purify it.

TL;DR, Legendary Beasts IS the correct term, because they ARE based on imaginary beasts.

Great picture, the artist did a great job drawing them accurately!

31 Points Flag
hangar commented at 2011-09-16 04:14:26 » #878408

Holy fuck! Why I didn't realize this piece of art sooner!
I believe there are a bigger resolution for this picture somewhere in the net

3 Points Flag