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Xotoj commented at 2024-01-16 05:50:25 » #2858593

"Proof of Sorcery
With the Thief's disappearance, the entire forest team had been eliminated. The remaining team, of course, didn't know it at the time, nor could they bother to. Fighting had broken out on the front lines and the remaining heroines saw up close just how dangerous these foes were.

Swarms of goblins, immense orcs, and ferocious chimera approached their position; all with lustful intent. From the air, winged beasts swooped down and attempted to grab the heroines directly, with the goal in mind to capture them as prisoners. Oftentimes, they would expedite the travel of ground troops, greatly increasing the overall mobilization of the Demon Lord's army. "Five" mercenaries versus an entire army - the odds were not in their favor. They never were and they knew this. However, they all had the confidence that they could handle whatever was thrown their way.

The Sorceress looked onward towards the masses of screeching monsters. The tome she carried cast powerful hexes which would drag her enemies straight to the afterlife. Considering the area and range her spells could hit, she often focused on hitting large crowds, piercing right through the center of them before erupting into a shadowy darkness. Not only that, but she was the only one who could feasibly hit the winged beasts without much issue. Her hex worked differently on aerial opponents, which instead condensed its target into a smaller and smaller space until it finally imploded. If the screams of the goblins were blood-curdling, then the shrieks of the birds who underwent this pain were indescribable.

Both sides were at a stalemate. The heroines had too much power while the Demon Lord had a nearly endless supply of troops.

"Troops.. troops.."

The leader of this defense, the upgraded Monster Lord, thought for a moment. He looked over the inventory of items that he had taken from the Merchant and noticed something peculiar - a warp staff. He knew what had to be done.

"Go! Throw yourself at that one! Your deaths will not be in vain!"

As he spoke, the monsters began to swarm the Sorceress, but his goal wasn't to overwhelm her. With the heroine focused on keeping up the barrage, he pointed his warp staff at her. A bright light enveloped her body as it began to fade away. She had seen this weapon used before, and knowing where she was likely headed, bit her lip out of fear. The light disappeared, and her tome, the one she had caused so much damage with, fell silent to the ground.

*Smack!* *Smack!* *Smack!*

Sounds of sweaty flesh pounding against each other echoed its way throughout the rest of the hall. The enemy had wasted no time in breaking their new prisoner. After all, imagine how powerful the offspring would be. This thought excited the demon that was currently stirring up the captive's insides.


Another batch of batter was dumped into the helpless girl's womb. From now on, the only crowds she would be dealing with were the ones she brought pleasure to." -Story from source

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