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FazbearBrony commented at 2024-01-27 09:37:44 » #2861280

I hope we get more soon like one with Loli and Shota and a mom getting some dick too.

1 Points Flag
6shotacow9 commented at 2024-02-21 23:25:22 » #2868304

i don't know why but these fat guys turn me on

1 Points Flag
tyciol commented at 2024-03-22 20:45:04 » #2876793

it's mostly an eye of the beholder thing guys. Here's a couple possible male perspecetive to ugly bastard:

1) handsome male viewer - oh no, I'm being cuckolded by this ugly guy!

2) ugly male viewer - oh wow, he's just like me, I can immerse myself better

Flip that for when handsome/ugly viewers view hentai that has attractive men - the ugly guys feel cucked and the handsome guys feel represented.

As for whether women like it - some rare girls are into that ugly bastard look or being degraded, others aren't.

If ugly guys aren't going into rants about how seeing bishounen please women turns them off then we shouldn't be doing the opposite having guys complain the men (is that even the focus?) aren't attractive enough.

As far as the perspective "I want to see the girl enjoy herself" - well maybe the fictional character IS, and that just makes you love her more, because she's so accepting of a variety of body types and super-horny and not an ugly-hater.

Or maybe you prefer a girl who hates ugly men and cuckolds them with attractive guys - maybe it's more realistic and easy to immerse yourself. To each their own.

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