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Promestein commented at 2023-11-28 15:44:29 » #2847458

A shame she got doxed and gave the game rights away

22 Points Flag
FamilyComplex commented at 2023-11-29 11:49:02 » #2847631

Evrybody like this game ! <3

7 Points Flag
The_Moof commented at 2023-11-29 20:31:33 » #2847717

Thankfully she's still creatively involved, it's just being published by a company now. And she herself wasn't doxed but a relative was. She still did the smart thing and hit the nuke button on all the socials.
That being said, people are fucking bastards.

49 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2023-11-29 23:02:04 » #2847747

Oh, damn. I didn't hear about that. That's awful.

12 Points Flag
sneed_(formelly_chuck) commented at 2023-12-01 13:44:49 » #2848081

The sharty lost again

6 Points Flag
CzarnianAegis commented at 2023-12-01 14:00:34 » #2848084

Right, but that's not saying much considering the audience that the game attracts. You wouldn't say that a game filled with cp is good because all the pedophiles give it a 10/10.

5 Points Flag
YourHumbleAverageHentaiEnjoyer commented at 2023-12-01 15:17:38 » #2848103

CzarnianAegis, the problem is that those two things aren't equivalent. Obvious reason being that the game is fictional, but I digress.

Incest is way less of a moral wrong. Incest is something that's only really wrong, or only poses a risk, when an offspring is created between two relatives. Sure, you can bring up cases of incest in which sexual manipulation and sexual violence plays a role, but that's less the fault of incest and more the fault of sexual abuse.

Given that a hypothetical incestuous relationship is consentual and takes place between two adults, and as long as that relationship never results in pregnancy, is it really all that wrong? Barring religious taboos, I can't think of any reason why that is inherently morally wrong. Sure, it's fucking weird, but there's a world of difference between weird and immoral.

I will concede in regards to any potential psychological/behavioral effects caused by incestuous relationships, as I simply am ignorant about the topic. But considering that statistics allege that homosexual relationships have a higher risk of domestic violence than heterosexual ones, but they are still considered okay (and rightfully-so in my opinion), I have to question whether any potential effects like that resulting from longterm incestuous relationships would, or should, affect how morally wrong or right they are.

27 Points Flag
DougDimmadome commented at 2023-12-01 15:29:16 » #2848106

this is why we cant have nice things.

23 Points Flag
Babyglow commented at 2023-12-28 15:42:25 » #2853960

YourHumbleAverageHentaiEnjoyer, I think you missed the point (which to be fair, he chose a bad comparison point, so I don't blame you).

The point is (or at least, my point would be): it's a game that draws most of its 'fandom'/praise from a fetish, and not the actual quality of the game itself. Of course fetishgame will have a high level of praise, as mostly, only people with the fetish are going to buy it, and they will leave a positive review to boost it and say its based (if its not trash/buggy/etc). The score on Steam is really not super reflective of the actual game quality. To think of it another way, the game has been "review bombed", just in the opposite direction as usual.

Thinking about it and being brutally honest, it's a run of the mill RPGmaker kinda game that might as well be a visual novel or manga. It's decent for what it is, but nothing special, it only gets such a level of attention and praise because of the incest and shock value..

6 Points Flag