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daemonking666 commented at 2010-09-19 03:58:40 » #442037

there is a bit left to do with bleach but i can't see what could possibly happen with it after Aizen is dead. for them to build up Aizen as being the last boss the only thing they could possibly do is pull a cliche curveball and there's someone who is king. Probably the shinigami god guy. i could see that as a possible final boss. But other than that there's not much to do with bleach. sure you could go explain everything about his dad, which i would personally love, but i don't see that keeping bleach going for very long.

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Anonymous commented at 2010-09-19 15:28:09 » #442502

Huh, kind of looks like Alucard if you ask me.

Also, am I the only one who's suspecting that this will end with a fist-fight between Ichigo and Aizen?

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-20 20:25:13 » #443906

First impression = Sado's arm!? :D

There are so many mysteries not answered and where does Ishida's dad's role play? Has he got something to do with restoring Isshin's power (I know he's a Quincy but that doesn't stop a doctor from exploring other beings)

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xDvN commented at 2010-12-22 01:16:18 » #553933

the only way i could see this possiable is if somehow ichigo merged with that sinner from i think it was 300? well its the one where there in hell and (its at the end) theres this guy who just defeated easily may i add espada number9 and 8 the weakest of all the espada, back to the point you'll see him holding a lanturn of fire hold it up and see vasto lorde ichigo. then it says to be continued at that point.

but if you want a link to the site where i get all my shows it is


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Anonymous commented at 2014-09-25 15:44:43 » #1607873

Wow, the trolls be trollin'. All these down votes are ridiculous!!!

How pathetic are the people/person who took the trouble of doing this in the first place. What a bunch lifeless losers who have nothing better to do than hate on a series. I'd rather be an ignorant fanboy who enjoys something and has fun, than a good-for-nothing hater who does nothing but bitch on the internet all day long. Get a life you worthless troll freaks.

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