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TatsumaruOZ commented at 2010-09-05 04:39:40 » #426163

D: !!!!! poor men !!!

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-05 10:06:40 » #426332

How exactly did they eat him whole?

9 Points Flag
Mascot commented at 2010-09-05 13:36:32 » #426498

This really isnt tree girls, it's one girl with three upper halves.........i think....I'm totally mind $#^%$#!!?!??!!

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-05 16:22:55 » #426652

Its vore...It dose not have to make sense to be sexy plus they likely can do what all snakes & most naga's can do...unhinge there jaws...

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-06 14:20:31 » #427725

maybe they all have one giant pussy inbetween them, which they use for massive orgasms... or unbirthing people... or pussy-swallowing them whole

no matter which answer, I'm still fapping to it

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-21 20:01:57 » #445139

I wonder who they ate...

6 Points Flag
koxen commented at 2010-09-29 03:36:20 » #454010

okay i started an acount just to answer every ones question.

okay you see there faces that means they are orgasaming . but the person who drew this didn't depict them as other do the naga race where there genitals are in the same vesinity of a womans .

okay i mention that to say this no one thought that instead of them swallowing something that maybe some thing crawled into them and is massaginf there vagina walls hmmmm

here ius mor proff you see where the bend is that where there stomach begins and end where the not dose but if they did swallow some thing by the time it got there it wouldn't be that big it would be just bones

and where the not is would be the exact same spot that a snacks genatals would be. trust me i know

we dragons know are reptilian cousions more that you humans do and yes this is very hot and trust me they are enjoying it *giggles*

well i have eggs to lay witch is a bitch but see yall later :3

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-10-02 11:00:43 » #457889

Do most dragons have as much of a problem with spelling as you do? Normally I don't mind the occasional spelling mistake, but in your case it's so bad I literally cannot understand what you're trying to say.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-08 11:24:03 » #499525

You didn't need to make an account to post koxen.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-19 21:27:05 » #513015

3 head lamia = hidra lol

3 Points Flag