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Anonymous commented at 2010-08-31 13:34:47 » #420655

One of the best females in this manga...and Kishi had no better idea that to just kill her off...

38 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-31 15:41:32 » #420754

Kishi hates girls....hes to friggin gay about Naruto and Sasuke to care about girls

25 Points Flag
thatother1dude commented at 2010-09-02 00:20:25 » #422482

^^Christ, she was an decent minor villain, but why does she really deserve to live so much more than her any of the rest of the Sound Four? Character-wise they were all pretty much identical.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-09 15:03:40 » #431153

Minor villain? Yeah, but she was also an interesting character.

It's pretty typical. Bakamoto hates girls. He either makes them weak, or kills/cripples them if they're strong.

He's going to kill off Konan. She might have pulled her awesome MOSES SPLITTING THE OCEAN OF PAPER NO JUTSU, but Madara is going to murder her with some gayass Cheatingan ubertechnique.

Or maybe he'll just use his totally imbalanced and overused Space-Shift no Jutsu to rape the laws of physics again. And Konan too, while he's at it.

26 Points Flag
eragon commented at 2010-09-20 22:51:48 » #444079

She's one of the best characters in the series,(much better than Rock Lee, Might Gay, Naruto, and Sasugay)she deserved a more important role in it.

Good thing I can make a good fake dead body.
Oh yeah. Tayuya's corpse in that episode:fake.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-05 15:04:39 » #495913

Hinata is the best.

5 Points Flag
eragon commented at 2010-12-18 03:22:41 » #549374

Btw, anon4 must have plot-sensing abilities.Konan's dead.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-19 19:08:00 » #587967

The Six Stages of Tsundere: Denial, bargaining, anger, despair, acceptance, and sex.
I mean, understanding.

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-20 02:38:45 » #588436

Personally, I think it's a problem inherent in Shonen rather than a problem with Kishimoto. Villains in Shonen aren't meant to be developed--they're meant to be killed off. Only the main character is important enough to get a backstory, and maybe his friends if they're lucky.
The villains, on the other hand, are part of an arms race--they have to out-evil the last "monster of the week", and then get killed off at the end of the story arc to make room for the next one. There are exceptions on occasion (Vegeta, Gaara, etc.), but even then it's like 1 in 10 on a good day.
Tayuya was cool, but mostly by mistake. It might actually be better she remains a fan favorite than to have been dragged down by a shitty storyline.

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-20 00:37:30 » #852820

I agree with Anon6 on the whole "a problem inherent in Shonen rather than a problem with Kishimoto" thingy... I dunno if it was Oda or Kishi who said it, but it was one of them who, upon being asked if there would be any romance in the story, answered something along the lines of "little boys aren't really interested in romance"... And it might actually be true that I, and people like me, are reading mangas and watching animes meant for people a lot younger than us, with far younger/immature mindsets.

In either case I feel cannot really blame whoever said that on his reasoning. He is just trying to tell his story, while at the same time earning his upkeep, after all... I do however feel that I CAN blame society, as a whole, for creating these gender roles and forcing them upon children, repressing and separating them from each other in the process. The roles in which girls are supposed to like Barbie, My Little Pony and kissy-wissy stuff, while boys are told to "man up". /end rant

4 Points Flag