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Housey commented at 2023-10-06 00:40:16 » #2835251

Dude there is something absolutely enchanting about toga that I don't think I will ever stop being a fan of.

Toga is just my all time obsession when it comes to characters.

She's just got all the right parts, a ten out of ten with no compromises.

Super messy hair, razor sharp teeth, eyes like a snake, but most importantly she's got really well thought out design that translates well into a deeper macabre twisted dark and beautiful sort of things while still maintaining the simplicity at heart that makes anime so great.

She almost looks like a great artist or creative, like she hasn't slept in days and is an utter slave to the thoughts in her head. Nothing in the world is more relatable to me then that and very few female characters get that sort of treatment.

To me it was love at first sight and everything else that followed was poetry in motion.

Her baggy heavy eyes and frazzled hair pair and contrast so well with the sharp contours of her teeth and the piercing precision of her eyes/ which are big and longing, but as you reach their center seem to cut right through you.

Everything in her design screams an ambition to show the world something she doesn't care if it will understand, and even without a knife she is a perfect weapon.

But through it all she does it all for her love of blood, hoping someday a better half will appreciate it. Her story and design are so strong I guess i can't help but sort of pathetically wish she was real so I could give that to her and see those huge eyes take in what she has been waiting her whole life to find.

In an amazing combination of cute and cunning she defines the yandere genre in a word, and she shows you love the only way she knows how : by leaving you bleeding.

She avoids all the pitfalls that I think plague female anime tropes. too cute, not introspective or cunning enough.

Toga isn't a cake you eat easily she's a puzzle you enjoy looking at and solving, all the while making you love her even more.

She is the most philisophically interesting cateyed lovable concoction I've ever had the pleasure of discovering so much well thought out art of.

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