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Anonymous commented at 2010-12-17 22:22:20 » #549002

Altair is much better than Assassin's Creed II Ezio. Brotherhood Ezio's costume was better. But he himself was not. So I guess what I'm saying is, Altair is the better assassin overall. Both in skill and persona.
That's my opinion, and I would like to know of the rest of yours. Though if you're going to go fangirl[I assume the position that there are no real "Fanboy"s of Ezio, that is also an opinion.]on me, please do not bother.
Thank you for you time.
Signed, Mr. Gary[That's actually my last name, I assume the position I will be compared to Ricky Bobby.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-17 22:24:12 » #549004

Agreed, Altair is a far superior assassin.
In the first game Ezio always wanted to "Stay his blade", and he allowed the Borgia to live. And for those of us who've played/seen the beginning of Brotherhood, we all know how that ended.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-17 22:25:35 » #549006

i like demond the most, I mean, yeah he hasn't killed nearly as many people as Altair and Ezio, the ending of Assassin's Creed II, but he's still cool. not to mention he looks like a pimp in Brotherhood.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-27 16:34:00 » #560561

I personally prefer Ezio Auditore da Firenze, but that's just my opinion, and because I played AC2 before buying AC1. When I played AC1 I found that Ezio was capable of much more than Altaïr, though he's a bit thick-headed at times. Heck, in Brotherhood he can actually break every singe bone in a guard's body in a matter of seconds, while Altaïr's biggest accomplishment was getting a Piece of Eden after being betrayed by his mentor

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-31 18:22:41 » #565172

Well supposedly Altaïr killed nearly all the Templars in his time (minus the ones who eventually become the Borgia and those who run Abstergo), which should be considered a huge accomplishment. not to mention that had Altaïr not used the Apple to create many new assassin tools and armor, Ezio wouldn't have had as easy of a time dealing with the Borgia. So it can be inferred that Ezio relies a lot on his incredible ancestor.

1 Points Flag
Kitty-chan_Sarah commented at 2011-02-04 14:42:23 » #607909

In skill, yes, Altair surely is superior.
In persona, yeah, maybe more fighting for an assassin, but Ezio is kind of... y'know, you can realte to his actions and you can relate to how he feels when all that shit happens.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-28 02:55:08 » #636505

Hm... Well... I'm a fan of both, personally. I'm rather... Indecisive, though.

Altaïr had the more straight forward attacks when fighting, killing quickly and moving on, while Ezio had a bit more flare and was a bit more brutal, but that also left him open to attack, since he sometimes wasn't able to turn and guard fast enough, or the enemy attack while he was killing someone all fun like.

Altaïr had a whole of only four weapons. Sword, short blades, throwing knives and hidden blade, which he couldn't use in a fight. Made it so you didn't have to think about timing as much, or strength, and you knew it would get the job done. In Brotherhood, Ezio has... Long sword, broad sword, axes, maces, crossbow, throwing knives, poison, dagger, and two hidden blades, which he can use while fighting. And I'm sure I missed one or two. Then there was the fact that he could pick up weapons as well, which was really fun, but it also meant that you could just plain lose your bigger weapon and have to go get it again.

... Altaïr can't swim.... -insert much swearing and cursing docks and flags that are on the far side of them- ..... Ezio can.

Altaïr is a bit slower with climbing, while Ezio can make big jumps and is speedy like a freakin' monkey.

And... I had too much to say. So... I fangirl more over Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, but Ezio Auditore da Firenze was bloody fuckin' fun.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-06 12:28:52 » #762564

yes, altair can't swim.
because ANIMUS 1.0 have water bug.
but in animus 2.0, already fixed that. so ezio can swiming the water...

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