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SadSap commented at 2023-06-29 21:07:44 » #2814247

Future Club: "We are foolishly attempting to censor Filia as much as we can because she's 16", meanwhile cultured fan artists:

22 Points Flag
Dogman98765432 commented at 2023-07-01 05:45:22 » #2814568

I still find it hilarious how everyone is like "oh they're just removing the pedophilia from the game why are you mad" none too subtly admitting they played for and played a game with what they believe to be child porn in it

19 Points Flag
eNBy commented at 2023-07-24 19:39:00 » #2819781

I mean it doesn't need to be actual child porn to be pedophilic lmao. I was kinda neutral on the changes overall, I don't think they really needed to change anything but I get why they changed what they did, and a part of that reason for why I get it is because a lot of the people actually playing and promoting Skullgirls didn't like that it had that stuff in the game, so I totally understand why they did remove some of the stuff that normal people would find a bit weird from the game. I highly doubt that anyone happy about the changes actually cares about fan-made material or even semi-official side material like the old Zone animation because they aren't a part of the game that they're recommending their friends to play.

That being said the fact they changed the artbook is a bit odd and I don't get that at all. Like I don't really care because I'm not gonna use a fucking digital art book but it's just weird to me.

3 Points Flag
jackjustjack commented at 2023-07-29 19:22:51 » #2820852

Part of Skullgirls development was only possible through a Kickstarter campaing, so ACTUAL fans gave money to keep the game alive, because they liked the content and design it had, on top of the rewards that the original develoment team promised to the fans for their support. Removing content people PAID with their money is not only anti-consumer, but a slap in the face to those who donated to keep this game alive, and worse yet, is proof that your digital content not only will be tampered with, but without your permission, the content you PAID for.

Also yes, it needs to be actual child porn to be pedophilic, because only real kids can actually be victims of it.

6 Points Flag
Scootaluigi commented at 2023-07-29 20:02:08 » #2820856

>Puritan game developers try to rob Filia of her sexuality, not realizing she's above the age of consent in most states
Californian cultural imperialism strikes again

3 Points Flag