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DiZXIII commented at 2023-12-09 23:13:52 » #2849954

I'm glad this website isn't nearly as bad as R34 when it comes to Bridget's gender

5 Points Flag
DumDum_Lori commented at 2024-02-01 14:11:01 » #2862490

I mean, this site's still pretty bad, DiZXIII.

8 Points Flag
Ezalias commented at 2024-02-01 20:09:53 » #2862547

Twenty years of celebrating a gender-non-conforming character and then having the studio go 'oops, nevermind' will do that.

Bridget got she/her'd constantly, and politely corrected people. In some sense, Bridget was assigned female at birth. This character was the clearest distinction between being girly and being a girl - a queer icon making the manliest characters second-guess their libido - the namesake for "traps" and the reason that was never supposed to refer to trans women.

And then Strive's idea of character development is, nope: girl. Wildly missing the point.

Also - missed opportunity to swap out for the other twin. Bridget realizes proving machismo is a bad goal and retires. Here's a plays-the-same sibling who was raised as a boy, and she is butch as fuck.

7 Points Flag
Solarwagon commented at 2024-02-01 20:11:41 » #2862548

I'm a trans girl and I still think they did Bridget dirty with the retcon.

5 Points Flag
Ezalias commented at 2024-02-01 21:01:58 » #2862562

And nobody questions Testament being nonbinary. Not one person on the face of this Earth. Everybody heard about that and went: yeah.

This was the wrongest character, for this change. Trans women are women. Bridget, specifically, should not be trans.

2 Points Flag
DumDum_Lori commented at 2024-03-07 14:45:14 » #2872676

@Ezalias I'm pretty sure the term trap wasn't supposed to be used for femboys either.

6 Points Flag
pajamafox commented at 2024-03-08 12:59:12 » #2872993

I mean bridget's character being a woman is perfectly fine with her character, though. Yeah, she politely corrected people who called her a girl, but that's actually typical for people who are getting into feminine things. She also ignored more than half the characters that called her a girl instead of correcting them, but that's more to show how she really wasn't bothered by being seen as a girl.

Bridget's entire early character arc really had nothing to do with gender in any direction, since the town's superstition was about the biological sex of the twins. Everything about her character stays in tact even if she's trans. In the original arc she never really set out to "prove" herself macho. She just left to make a ton of money and prove that the superstition about male twins was silly. She could have been trans from the very start and the superstition, her goals, her arc, and the plot would all remain identical.

3 Points Flag
TransgenderThorn commented at 2024-04-09 19:35:27 » #2881411

Where's the boy?

9 Points Flag