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Anonymous commented at 2010-08-01 19:28:42 » #386177

sorry naruhina tards, you all lose.
narusaku forever.

52 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-01 20:03:04 » #386221

Lol Anon9, that's funny. NaruSaku fans like you are funny :)
Apparently, a simple and VAGUE comment from his mother seems to matter more for them, than the the fact that Naruto already FLAT-OUT rejected Sakura out of the fact that he KNOWS that Sakura still loves Sasuke.

Nothing like NaruSaku fans to entretain you with their twisted logic, and extreme clinginess to any small hint of anything they can find...funny.

Accept it already NaruSaku fans...something like this means nothing already. Naruto already knows Sakura will always love Sasuke. And during the confession & failed murder attempt, Sakura also realized that she won't be able to ever stop doing so, or put Naruto over Sasuke on any way.

23 Points Flag
MrBlack commented at 2010-08-01 20:11:14 » #386230

Hm, Sakura never really took being a shinobi seriously and when she was bullied as a child, she cried.

Kushina was capable of holding down the Kyuubi while she was dying and when she was bullied as a child, she beat the shit out of the bullies.

Yeah, they're totally alike.

28 Points Flag
bigb commented at 2010-08-01 20:17:22 » #386238

you people are funny. arguing over which 2-dimensional bitch should end up with the retard at the end of the series. when by all acounts the troll who created this mess is turning it into a yaoi manga

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-01 21:03:31 » #386277

I see NaruHina fans are getting very defensive at this point. Be not afraid, your underdeveloped pairing still has a chance, however small (this is Shonen after all).

If I were you, I'd start preparing for the worst though. Better safe than trolled.

42 Points Flag
MrBlack commented at 2010-08-02 05:15:31 » #386524

Funny that all anti-narusaku got voted down.

Though if Naruto himself had any goddamn sense, he'd have grabbed one of his numerous fangirls by now or made himself a harem or at least gotten laid.

32 Points Flag
MrBlack commented at 2010-08-02 05:37:28 » #386538

Oh and before you Narusaku fans bitch some more. We're calling Sakura useless because even though she was rather strong from chapter 245-271 (Rescue Gaara Arc), that means she was strong for 26 chapters. She still has 478 chapters of being a useless bitch who's only effective acts of violence are against Naruto.

So, I must kindly ask you to consider all of the facts present in the current debate and fuck off.

17 Points Flag
dkkdk commented at 2010-08-02 06:51:29 » #386570

Somebody is a fucking cheat voting up all these fucking images. It's a sad fucking day when one person votes up for almost every pairing they like.

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-02 07:03:55 » #386581

Sakura sucks end of sentence.

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-02 15:58:34 » #386925

NaruHina pairing is still possible however, it is up to Kishimoto himself to decide the final pairings if the series ends.

As a NaruHina fan myself, I believe Naruto might still fall in love with Hinata even though the manga suggest otherwise.

Remember, this picture is "fanart" after all. It's not really official.

27 Points Flag