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Anonymous commented at 2011-08-26 19:13:31 » #859608

Interesting idea but having read both of these series, the way they are acting doesn't suit their characters. Mushashi feels his opponents out before he fights, he'd take one good look at Guts and be Awestruck at the realization of how powerful Guts is. Even though he is nothing like his Mentors.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-07-24 16:08:35 » #1123698

I never read Vagabond and I'm not a fan of japanese swordsmen so I'm not partial to any fanwank related to the aforementioned. Guts either fights hordes of mooks or giant, bulky monsters many times his size, so his weapon actually gives him an advantage. But its ridiculous size and presumably long time it takes to swing would be a handicap in a fight with a quick, nimble swordsman. Of course Miyamoto only needs to get close enough and that might prove to be a challenge, but once he does it would be over quick for Guts.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-22 11:17:06 » #1441038

comparing different fictional universes... why? i never understood it.
the writers didn't create their characters and universes to be compared like this. It's utterly ridiculous.

It's as much bullshit, as: "who would win? the djinn from aladdin or guts?" - the djinn, because he has cosmic-uber-powers and stuff, duh. and then superman would own him, while getting ass raped by goku, who just lost to sasuke (because goku vs genjutsu, lol obvious...)

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-01-10 00:04:12 » #1468417

LoL no.
Guts just needs a magical lamp to make the djinn his bitch. Several versions of Superman (like Prime 1000000, Silver Age, or Pre-Crisis), can destroy Goku, and did you just imply that SasUke>Goku and Superman?
Both Goku and Superman vaporize SasUke before he can even register what's happening.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-07-12 09:01:06 » #1567412

Anyone even arguing this hasn't read the Berserk manga so they can just show themselves the door.
Out of his Armor, guts swings that sword faster than most people can see, they just call him a black tornado surrounded by gore.
But those of you who can see will note that he is wearing the armor of the Berserker. Guts wins. That isn't even a debate. Even when not fully in berserk mode, he can kill a literal Sea-god. In full hellhound, batshit crazy berserk, nothing in a world full of demons and demi-gods, and gods has been shown to even slow him down.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-11 05:57:27 » #1948185

Well now, even with the Berserk armour on, plenty of characters could still beat him. The Godhand and Skull Knight would still stomp him.

Zodd and Grunbeld are definitely capable of slowing down and possibly win a battle of attrition.

0 Points Flag