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Gunnerkrigg commented at 2023-06-01 00:45:09 » #2807270

No offense but how could you possibly get offended by that? "Stealing" a translation? You're literally just reposting the someone else's words in another language; it's not a creative effort. I'd totally understand if you had drawn the art itself or wrote your own RP descriptions for each pic because those are actual creative efforts. If I had put the time into doing the same I'd be gratified that other people appreciated my work enough to apply to the same pics on other sites, though I'd probably already be doing that myself before others could. Because if I translated something it'd be because I wanted as many people as possible to be able to enjoy it, not out of some sense of ownership or whatever's going through your head.
I could understand your point of view if it were a job instead of a labor of love but I *highly* doubt anyone here is paying you to translate our chinese cartoons. (And if by some miracle they did then you could get them pulled off gelbooru or whatever site you're talking about through a DMCA request.)
To use an art analogy, what you're saying sounds to me like if I traced a piece of art in my own style, then I got mad over someone else tracing my pic into their style. Maybe you can point out something I'm missing here but to me getting butthurt over people appreciating your work enough to share is just baffling. ESPECIALLY since I doubt any of the pics you translated were likely uploaded to whatever porn site with the original artist's permission. I know only a very tiny minority of pics on gelbooru are uploaded by the original artist and I see pics every day with a "do not repost" watermark.

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