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neozechs commented at 2010-06-23 14:31:44 » #342418

Zelda looks so hot fighting against Link! I've always known that she could kick Link's ass if she wanted to. It makes me wonder if it was all Ganondorf's possession or some jealousy for Link's growing relationship with Midna. Hmm....

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-06-26 15:33:06 » #345624

@ neozechs- lol> Interesting point you raised. Zelda is probably saying: 'Step out on me will you? Off with your head'. Looking at her position here, she looks like she would be more than capable of doing so. By the way, love the artwork.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-07-06 00:06:01 » #355446

Oh noes! Not Zelda being controlled by Ganondorf! Ahh! But yes. Easy battle. Link is just too awesome.
Absolutely love the artwork, and the coloring is to die for.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-07-07 22:54:30 » #357735

It's quite funny you guys say that because I seem to recall Zelda being unable to even DEFEND herself against Ganondorf. Hence the fact that she was captured oh... how many times? And the fact that Link kicked major ass throughout the whole game while Zelda pretty much sat and cried. Yeah. I'm pretty sure Link could pwn Zelda. Lovely art though. :}

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-12 00:22:22 » #398174

Gotta laugh at the single, unperturbed, almost mocking eyebrow he has raised there.

He looks almost amused that Ganon thinks that would work.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-12 00:40:07 » #398186

such simpeltons. zelda vs link i would explan how zelda could win, but no that is a wast of time

1 Points Flag
underfootwannabe commented at 2010-09-04 00:16:20 » #424790

*points to the Twilight Sky in the background* EPIC!

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-20 15:20:47 » #443581

This is what Link gets for being with all other girls
You go Zelda! :D

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-02 11:20:54 » #605216

she gonna kill him omg lol

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-01 07:37:52 » #831900

I also like Link's raised eyebrow. Anon #357735 had it right.

1 Points Flag