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digbingus commented at 2024-03-08 16:24:23 » #2873036

It originally says "mochi pounding," but I adjusted it to fit the wordplay that appears to be intended. "Mochi tsuki" is a term for pounding mochi, but "tsuki" can mean a variety of things. The kanji used when the man speaks has the meanings of "prod, thrust, or press against," amongst others. I'm not sure what exactly he means when he says mochi, whether it is meant as a euphemism like how I used "buns," or whether it's meant as something like the shorthand for "mochiron" (meaning "certainly).
"Pettan" means "flattening," which may be recognized from the term "pettanko," which can mean "crushed flat or squashed" as well as "flat-chested girl." It's an onomatopoeic term that's first said by Da Vinci, and then used again as the SFX in the bottom panel (it doesn't seem to be commonly used for this type of SFX, so it seems like another form of wordplay).

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